Realizing Your Company’s Value
Because many middle market companies lack a Board of Directors, they’re not always focused on what it takes to create value that can be realized in an exit transaction. TKO Miller’s Consultation Services are designed to solve that.
We quickly assess the strengths and weaknesses of a business from a buyer’s perspective. We then work with management to maximize value prior to a sale. This assessment is designed to find and quantify any issues or concerns, so that a business owner can make value-based choices on what to address and what to disregard. Think of it as a home inspection but for your business.
How TKO Miller Consultations Work
TKO Miller professionals will work with the company’s management team to perform a review of that company’s readiness to sell. We analyze the business the way a prospective buyer would and identify any areas that should be addressed prior to a sale.
Experience tells us that sellers are rarely selling what buyers are buying. This means that the things you think are valuable about your business might not necessarily be the things that buyers are looking for in an acquisition candidate.
A critical look at the business – the way a buyer might look at things – is a new and different approach than most managers take when evaluating operations. Addressing any findings will improve the business, even if you never sell.
We may uncover things you do not want to hear, as well as things that you should continue as a best practice. In the end, this analysis will give you a road map of items to think about well before you sell the business and will enable you to position your company in the best possible light, thereby maximizing value.
The Process
The evaluation will take about a day and a half of the business owner’s and management team’s time, typically split among several days. During these sessions, TKO Miller will ask the questions related to the below-mentioned areas and will collect a lot of information. Four to six weeks later, the TKO Miller team returns with our findings, conclusions and recommendations.
If you want to sell your business sooner – great – let’s take the information gathered and prepare an Offering Memorandum. As a plus, we can deduct the consultation cost from your retainer fee.
If you don’t want to sell your business or want to wait, that’s O.K., too. Take the information TKO Miller prepared and use it to make some adjustments to your business. If and when you are ready to go, let us know and we will still deduct the consultation cost from your retainer fee.
Essential Elements of a Business Sale
From understanding your objectives to putting together the story of your business, the TKO Miller team walks you through the top five elements that all successful business sales have in common.